Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Unanswerable Questions

Who am I? Who is God? Who does God answer to? 

Brief glimpses of the answers sometimes appear, but they are quickly whisked away. But occasionally some remnants of the Truth lingers, only to be manipulated by my dissatisfied ego. I suspect that the thinker in my head is a deceiver, as he is almost always plotting to satisfy his never-ending list of unattainable desires. And he thinks in English, so obviously he can't be trusted. Surely, the secrets of the Universe can not be told by the grunts and groans of some super-apeman's voice box.

In order to have some content ...

 .. until I write something. Some snippets from a few of my favorite books.

"Where fall the footsteps of the Master, the ears of those ready for his Teaching open Wide"
"When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh lips to fill them with Wisdom"

The Principle of Polarity embodies the idea that everything is dual, everything has two poles, and everything has its opposite. All manifested things have two sides, two aspects, or two poles. Everything "is" and "isn't" at the same time, all truths are but half truths and every truth is half false, there are two sides to everything, opposites are identical in nature, yet different in degree, extremes meet, and all paradoxes may be reconciled
~~ The Kybalion

M: Meet your own self. Be with your own self, listen to it, obey it, cherish it, keep it in mind
ceaselessly. You need no other guide. As long as your urge for truth affects your daily life, all is well with you. Live your life without hurting anybody. Harmlessness is a most powerful form of Yoga and it will take you speedily to your goal.

Q:   Why is there so much suffering in the world?
M:  Selfishness is the cause of suffering. There is no other cause.

Q:  And you are the witness?
M: What does witness mean? Mere knowledge. It rained and now the rain is over. I did not get wet. I know it rained, but I am not affected. I just witnessed the rain.
~~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

"What we think, we become."

"If you meet the Buddha on the road, Kill him."  
~~ Buddha 


'The world’s great mystics have a common message: "There is a Reality which is Indivisible, One, Alone, the Source and Being of all; not a thing, nor even a mind, but pure Spirit or clear Consciousness; and we are That and nothing but That, for That is our true Nature; and the only way to find It is to look steadily within, where are to be found utmost peace, unfading joy, and eternal life itself."
~~ Douglas Harding

the remainder of this video can be found here